Options and advanced usage: #
Consider you want to use the options and features, you can use directly with JavaScript by using HTML element ID.. and related option variable.
var options = {
//sets if to use 3d or not (true|false)
webgl: true,
//if you want to turn of shadow in 3d set it to false
webglShadow: true,
// if enable sound at start (true|false)
soundEnable: true,
// height of the container
// value(eg: 320) or percentage (eg: '50%')
// calculaton limit: minimum 320, max window height
height: '100%',
// set to true to show outline on open (true|false)
autoEnableOutline: false,
// set to true to show thumbnail on open (true|false)
autoEnableThumbnail: false,
// set to true if PDF inbuilt outline is to be removed (true|false)
overwritePDFOutline: false,
// enableDownload of PDF files (true|false)
showDownloadControl: true,
showSearchControl: true,
showPrintControl: true,
// duration of page turn in milliseconds
duration: 800,
//direction of flipbook
//DFLIP.DIRECTION.LTR or 1 for left to right(default),
//DFLIP.DIRECTION.RTL or 2 for right to left,
//set as
//DFLIP.PAGE_MODE.AUTO for auto-detect(default),
//DFLIP.PAGE_MODE.SINGLE or 1 for singleview,
//DFLIP.PAGE_MODE.DOUBLE or 2 for doubleview,
//set as
//DFLIP.SINGLE_PAGE_MODE.AUTO for auto-detect(default),
//DFLIP.SINGLE_PAGE_MODE.ZOOM or 1 for normal zoom single view,
//DFLIP.SINGLE_PAGE_MODE.BOOKLET or 2 for Booklet mode,
//color value in hexadecimal
backgroundColor: "#fff",
forceFit: true, //very rare usage leave it as true unless page are not fitting wrong...
transparent: false, //true or false
hard: "none", //possible values are "all", "none", "cover"
annotationClass: "",
autoPlay: false,
autoPlayDuration: 5000,
autoPlayStart: false,
// texture settings
maxTextureSize: 1600, //max page size to be rendered. for pdf files only
minTextureSize: 256, //min page size to be rendered. for pdf files only
rangeChunkSize: 524288,
// icons for the buttons
icons: {
'altnext': 'ti-angle-right',
'altprev': 'ti-angle-left',
'next': 'ti-angle-right',
'prev': 'ti-angle-left',
'end': 'ti-angle-double-right',
'start': 'ti-angle-double-left',
'share': 'ti-sharethis',
'help': 'ti-help-alt',
'more': 'ti-more-alt',
'download': 'ti-download',
'zoomin': 'ti-zoom-in',
'zoomout': 'ti-zoom-out',
'fullscreen': 'ti-fullscreen',
'fitscreen': 'ti-arrows-corner',
'thumbnail': 'ti-layout-grid2',
'outline': 'ti-menu-alt',
'close': 'ti-close',
'doublepage': 'ti-book',
'singlepage': 'ti-file',
'sound': 'ti-volume',
'facebook': 'ti-facebook',
'google': 'ti-google',
'twitter': 'ti-twitter-alt',
'mail': 'ti-email',
'play': 'ti-control-play',
'pause': 'ti-control-pause'
// TRANSLATION text to be displayed
text: {
toggleSound: "Turn on/off Sound",
toggleThumbnails: "Toggle Thumbnails",
toggleOutline: "Toggle Outline/Bookmark",
previousPage: "Previous Page",
nextPage: "Next Page",
toggleFullscreen: "Toggle Fullscreen",
zoomIn: "Zoom In",
zoomOut: "Zoom Out",
toggleHelp: "Toggle Help",
singlePageMode: "Single Page Mode",
doublePageMode: "Double Page Mode",
downloadPDFFile: "Download PDF File",
gotoFirstPage: "Goto First Page",
gotoLastPage: "Goto Last Page",
play: "Start AutoPlay",
pause: "Pause AutoPlay",
share: "Share"
//valid controlnames:
allControls: "altPrev,pageNumber,altNext,play,outline,thumbnail,zoomIn,zoomOut,fullScreen,share,download,more,pageMode,startPage,endPage,sound",
moreControls: "download,pageMode,startPage,endPage,sound",
hideControls: "",
paddingTop: 30,
paddingLeft: 50,
paddingRight: 50,
paddingBottom: 30,
//set if the zoom changes on mouse scroll (true|false)
scrollWheel: true,
// callbacks
onCreate: function (flipBook) {
// after flip book is created is fired
onCreateUI: function (flipBook) {
// after ui created event is fired
onFlip: function (flipBook) {
// after flip event is fired
beforeFlip: function (flipBook) {
// before flip event is fired
onReady: function (flipBook) {
// after flip book is completely loaded
zoomRatio: 1.5,
* These options are not supposed to be sent from options variable
* dependency URLS (NON-OPTION):
* Do not set them as options,
* Refer to advance-examples
//(NON-OPTION) source link for PDF.JS file
pdfjsSrc: "js/libs/pdf.min.js",
//(NON-OPTION) source link for PDFcompatibility.JS file
pdfjsCompatibilitySrc: "js/libs/compatibility.js",
//(NON-OPTION) source link for PDF.WORKER.JS file
pdfjsWorkerSrc: "js/libs/pdf.worker.min.js",
//(NON-OPTION) source link for THREE.JS file
threejsSrc: "js/libs/three.min.js",
//(NON-OPTION) source link for MOCKUP.JS file
mockupjsSrc: "js/libs/mockup.min.js",
//(NON-OPTION) File path to the trun sound
soundFile: "sound/turn2.mp3",
imagesLocation: "images",
imageResourcesPath: "images/pdfjs/",
cMapUrl: "cmaps/", //it's quite wierd how cmaps don't work properly with relative urls like others.. but is relative to pdf.min.js path
//(NON-OPTION) developer parameters
enableDebugLog: false,
canvasToBlob: false,//as of 1.2.9 canvas are better optimized and secure
enableAnnotation: true,
pdfRenderQuality: 0.90,
* Let them be, change at your risk
// if texture fallback override is required
// note: if set to anything other than "blank" the first page is changed
// recommended : "blank"
textureLoadFallback: "blank", //"images/textures/white.jpg",
// controls the flexibility of the paper more value for more flexiblilty
stiffness: 3,
// minTopOffset: 30,
// link to the images file that you want as background.
// supported files are jpgs,png. smaller files are preffered for performance
backgroundImage: "",//"images/textures/el.jpg",
// or any number like 5, 500. recommended: "auto"
pageRatio: null, //equals to width/height
pixelRatio: window.devicePixelRatio || 1,
thumbElement: 'div',
/*3D settings*/
spotLightIntensity: 0.22,
ambientLightColor: "#fff",
ambientLightIntensity: 0.8,
shadowOpacity: 0.15
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